The Digital Media Lab provides a number of resources for the BGC community, all of which are aimed at increasing the integration and implementation of new media tools within the curricular and research goals of the institution.

The Lab provides a well-equipped space for students and faculty to work on media projects that require significant computing resources. Early projects have included audio and video editing, rendering of three-dimensional virtual spaces, and the development of multimedia online virtual exhibitions.

The Lab manages and supports online tools and resources, such as blogs, wikis, and content management systems. These tools offer platforms for investigation and experimentation and are used by faculty and students for a variety of projects, from classes to theses to long-term research projects.

The Lab is an important hub for collaborative projects conducted with institutions that share similar digital media goals to the BGC. These collaborative projects allow work done in the Lab to reach a larger audience, and they encourage the BGC community to participate in a wide range of examples of new media work.

Together, these three aspects are central to a philosophy that digital media tools are increasingly a part of the process of scholarship and knowledge production, and that the thoughtful implementation of these tools is central to building a successful curriculum in the 21st century.